Rating Scale


All reading rating scales are arbitrary, and honestly going away in favor of no star ratings, but I wanted to share my “scale” sine the past year or so I’ve used one.

I’m going to be honest... I rarely read anything less than three stars. Why? Because life’s too short to read a book that you aren’t loving and I’ve got to know myself well enough that I know what kind of books I’m going to enjoy and which I won’t. Every once in a while, bookstagram or a friend will recommend one that I’m hesitant about, but I pick up and who knows where that book will take me! I’m not scared to DNF a book and I’m also not scared to rave about a book and give it ONE MILLION STARS!

The following rating scale is incredibly arbitrary, but if you’re curious about my star ratings, this might help!


I loved it. I will hype it. It made me laugh or smile or feel something deeply. You are not safe from me forcing this one on you.


I really enjoyed this book and had an emotional reaction on some level. It might not be my favorite, but I massively enjoyed it. You’ll also probably experiencing me forcing it on you.


It was okay. Didn’t love or hate it. It was what it was, but it was still a good book. More often then not, it was more me and not the book. You probably won’t really hear me talk about this book.


I’m massively disappointed by this book. It was either problematic, poorly developed, had a character I just didn’t like or overall was just a waste of my time. You’ll hear me tell you not to pick it up.


There’s one every year (Wilder Girls from 2019 and Dear Mr. Knightley from 2020). It’s a book I ended up finishing vs DNF-ing because it was a train wreck and I ended up hate reading. I’ll tell you all about it.


If I DNF (did not finish) a book it’s because I made it at least 1/3 or 100 pages in and was not enjoying it. I’ll shelve it on goodreads and then make a note of what happened where I left off in case I’m ever tempted to pick it back up later.

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